GrubHub Delivering ALL the Goods

IDK how many times we have to say it but admitting the problem is the first step, right? So, here it is….We are 100% the most un-domesticated people that may have ever graced this earth. Yes, it’s pathetic and our moms aren’t proud. But ya know what? We excel in other areas like ordering food and having it delivered to our doors and maybe even becoming new BFF’s with these incredible delivery guys/gals because we do it so often and we’ve been #blessed enough to get to know each other on a weekly basis.

So you tell us, who’s the real winner here? Because it’s us. And Grubhub has become our food delivery BAE.


With Grubhub being both a website and an app, we can always order on the go and know that our food will be delivered in such a timely manner and let us tell you… If you have ever ordered your food while on your way home from the airport, a meeting, across town, etc, there is no better feeling than simultaneously pulling in at the exact same time as your Grubhub delivery BFF. Talk about coming home to the ones who matter most. It’s a really cool experience and we highly recommend it.


The options on Grubhub go on and on, we can’t understand how the list lasts so long. #Drake But for real though, we’ve found all the local restaurants we love, as well as some of the household restaurant names that you know you can always count on. Since Grubhub has come into our lives, our dinnertime decision arguments have declined by 100%. Deciding on one restaurant for the both of us has always been an issue but NOPE that argument is a thing of the past. Now, we both can come hungry (aren’t we always) and leave happy, without ever actually having to leave our home. Pretty sure that couples therapy could be out of business pretty soon once these couples discover the miracle that is Grubhub food delivery. (Not that we’re a couple but we’re roommates who eat a lot so pretty much same same but different. )

In conclusion, we bow down to Grubhub and all the endless joy it continues to bring us on a weekly basis. Try it for yourself and get $9.00 off on your first @grubhub order by clicking the link here We promise, they’ll deliver you some serious satisfaction. 

Megan Roth